Two whole years ago, my daughter Rachel gave me these rainboots for Christmas. I thought they were so cute; afterall, they are black/white/fuschia! I wore them a couple of times in Kentucky, took them to Indiana where I wore them to a friend's house--in the snow, not rain (chuckle)--but I could never possibly have known two years back that I would be moving to the rain capital of the USA! I had been asked over and over by various people prior to our move, "You do know that it rains a lot in Washington, don't you?" And they usually followed up with the observation that many people are depressed by the rainy weather. Yep, that bit of info puts a black cloud over the situation!
While I always answered, "Yes, that is what I have heard," I'm not sure that I had thought of all that would mean to me. For instance, when I walk out of my garage door, there is a wall of rain which leaves a constant puddle on our garage floor. I walk Huck and Finn (unless Roy walks them) two times every day! Finn could care less if it is raining! Huck is Cooper II (Rachel's dog--our grand dog) and is miserable when he gets rained on. Also, I can never get my windshield wipers to be at the correct speed, requiring constant adjustment on my part. On the other hand, I love cuddling up in a chair with a good book while it is raining outside. I love being in Starbucks all warm and cosy with a Chia latte in hand and the rain pouring down outside! Falling rain brings to the surface one of my most cherished memories--being at my grandmother's house upstairs under a tin roof with the constant drumming of a steady rain (reading or sleeping or spending time with my cousins). Walking in the rain, even if I do have to drag Huck for the first half of the block, is refreshing as I trod on newly washed sidewalks, smell the indescribable yet easily identified smell of fresh rain, and listen to the comforting dripping leaves and reminds me of the one my favorite poems "I saw God wash the world last night and hang it out to dry."
May I bring your thoughts back to the fact that I have had these rain boots two years? The most awesome thing about those rain boots and the rainy weather here is that God knew my need before even I did! I can hear some of you thinking aloud "Yeah, right! You said Rachel bought them for you! You are making something out of nothing!" Perhaps, I am. . . the same way I am when I see that God provided a house for us before we arrived because He knew that Roy and I might fall apart if we had to unload the truck into a storage unit and then in a few days move it again to a house as this move would have been the fourth major moving of furniture for us in 2013. . . the same way 4-5 men showed up at our house the day of our move and had our things in the appropriate rooms in an hour and a half (thanks to one of the CA's prompting) . . . and the same way that God used our property manager to find us a washer, dryer, lawn mower and weedeater and I could go on and on and on. . . the fact remains that God uses people and events to meet our needs even before we are aware of having them!
"My Jesus knows just what I need
Oh yes! He knows just what I need
He satisfies and every need supplies
Yes, He knows just what I need " --written by Pierre Walker and sung by Elvis Presley